How can Freelancers attract new clients and passive income?

By: Katherine Steiner-Dicks

As a freelancer, attracting new clients is crucial to your success and growth. It’s a skill that has to be learned and crafted.

Anyone who has been freelancing for a few years has learned the hard way that a client can drop a project or put an assignment on hold with little warning. You could come across a gung-ho potential client, then there’s radio silence. Clients will have various reasons for what they do, most of the time it’s about in-house budgets, workloads and distractions we freelancers may never know about. For these reasons alone it’s wise for freelancers to have backup plans when it comes to generating different streams of income. It’s not easy, so you have to put the time in.

Tips to attract new clients as a Freelancer

  1. Our first tip is to network. Yada, yada, yada, you know this tip already, right? Well, when was the last time you really went out and did some serious networking? The typical way to network as a freelancer is to attend networking events, local business groups and conferences in your industry. You can always connect with people on social media and join professional organisations to cover a few bases, too. But it’s wise to use your networking time wisely, though. Showcase your skills and knowledge as well as build relationships by mentally logging a “success file” of some of your projects or assignments that you can talk about; use that experience and knowledge to help the person you are speaking to solve a problem, for example. Showcase your talent and experience through:
    • Portfolio website: A well-designed portfolio website is a great way to showcase a freelancer’s skills, past work, and testimonials.
    • Social media profiles: Freelancers can use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to showcase their work, network with potential clients, and promote their skills.
    • Online marketplaces: Sites like YunoJuno, Upwork, Gigged.AiFiverrOutside IR35 Roles and Freelancer provide platforms for freelancers to showcase their skills, bid on projects, and get hired by clients.
    • Participating in online communities: Freelancers can participate in online communities such as forums and groups related to their field to showcase their expertise and build their reputation.
  2. Have a strong online presence: Having a professional website, portfolio, and social media presence is crucial for showcasing your skills and attracting new clients. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, your portfolio is up-to-date, and your social media accounts are active and professional.
  3. Offer free samples or consultations; discounts work, too: Offering free samples of your work or consultations to potential clients is a great way to showcase your skills and build trust. This can lead to new business opportunities and help you stand out from your competition.
  4. Build up referrals: Ask current clients for referrals and offer incentives for any new business they bring in. Word of mouth is a powerful tool and can help you find new clients quickly and easily. Check out our articles on the fine art of being charismatic and indispensable to clients.
  5. Participate in online marketplaces: Online marketplaces such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are great places to find new clients. These platforms allow you to showcase your skills and bid on projects, making it easier for clients to find you.
  6. Offer competitive pricing: Offering competitive pricing can help you attract new clients and stand out from your competition. However, make sure you don’t undervalue your work and always deliver quality services.
  7. Stay in touch with past clients: Stay in touch with past clients and maintain a good relationship with them. They may have new projects or recommend you to others, leading to new business opportunities.
  8. Create and share valuable content: Sharing valuable content such as blog posts, infographics, and videos can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract new clients. Make sure your content is relevant, informative, and of high quality.
  9. Attend virtual events: With the rise of virtual events, there are now more opportunities than ever to connect with potential clients and showcase your skills. Attend webinars, conferences, and workshops to meet new people and find new business opportunities.


Above all, stay persistent and consistent in your efforts because this builds your reputation in the minds of others and increases your chances for success.

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