Life as a Freelancer: The Pros and Cons

Freelancing. It seems like the dream career, right? No boss, no schedule, and no office. Well…while part of that is true, there’s more to the story. Like anything in life, freelancing has its own ups and downs. Its advantages and drawbacks. If you’re in the industry, you know what we mean. If not, or you’re on the fence…read this first!

The Pros of Being a Freelancer

Freelancing can be wonderful, and there are many luxuries to enjoy that you wouldn’t necessarily get with other roles. What are they? Well, that’s what we’re about to tell you…

Flexibility of Choice

By flexibility, we mean things like choosing your clients, your projects, and the general niche you’d like to work in. For example, as a freelance writer, you may decide to specialize in blogging or copywriting projects. Alternatively, you may specialize by niche, and target the health and fitness industry. In the end, it’s really up to you.

You also get to choose the hours you work. While some prefer working 20 hours a week, others may want to work 60, or somewhere in between. Once again, it’s your call. You can even do 60 one week and 20 the next. It’s all about managing your time effectively and getting the work done.

With experience, you can also become selective with the projects you take on. For example, if a client is not paying you fairly, you can, and should decline. After all, you’re a business owner and not an employee. Always remember that.

Points to Keep in Mind:

  • When starting out, it’s not a bad idea to take on lower paying clients. This could help you build a stronger portfolio. With experience though, you should definitely lift your price.
  • Yes, you can be selective…but bear in mind that certain niches or projects will pay more money. Just something to think about when making decisions.


We all want to take control of our lives, right? Who wouldn’t like the idea of being able to work anywhere or anytime? That’s just another perk of freelancing. If you’re a morning guy, you can work early on. If you tend to focus at night, then you can work then, too. 

Most times, you’ll be location independent, too. That means you can pretty much work anywhere you want. Fancy the Starbucks environment, then so be it. Prefer the comfort of home? Well, your sofa can be your office.


  • Try to find the place and time in which you are most productive. Then, build a habit to work during that time.
  • While freelancing is mostly remote, it’s still important to network and meet people in person. Not only does it build trust and friendship, but it’s another door to potential clients.

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