How to start Freelancing as a Filipino student

By: Course Finder

So, gusto mo ba maging freelancer? That’s great! The desire to earn your own money is a commendable characteristic to have. However, establishing a career in the freelancing world will not be as easy as you might probably think. But don’t worry because we are here to help.  Check out our list of some of the most convenient things you need to know on how to start freelancing as a student.


Think Of the Things You Want to Achieve

Whether you’re entering the world of freelancers as a student or an adult, one of the first things you need to do is figure out your goals. Why? It’s because the things you’re planning to achieve can help shape the kind of freelancing career you may have. Are your goals short-term and not urgent? Or are they long-term and of great importance? Knowing the answers to these questions can help you decide what kind of freelance jobs you will apply for and how long you will work as a freelancer.


Check Your Device

Yes, there are freelancing projects that can be done via smartphone. But most of the jobs that actually pay and can help your freelancing career take off would require the use of a computer or a laptop. Since you’re a student, you may already have either of those so all you have to do is make sure they’re all updated and working properly. But if you don’t have a device yet, you need to buy or borrow one that can keep up with all the tasks you have to do.


Make a List of Your Best Skills

Just like with any other job, your skillset is what will bring you success in the freelancing world. That’s why you need to ensure that the quality of your services is consistently impressive. But how, you ask?  A big part of that is focusing on your strengths. Whether it be graphic design or data entry, your skills should be solid enough that you’ll constantly deliver a performance that the clients would be satisfied with. You can still learn new skills outside of your usual niche if you want to, but as for the services you’ll offer as a freelancer, you need to stick with the things you already excel in.


Make a Portfolio

Got previous works related to the services you’re planning to offer? Compile all of your best ones in one single digital folder so that when you apply for jobs online, you can send your portfolio right away as well. Applying for an online job and having experience related to it even though you’re still a student will increase your chances of booking the project.

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